RVU Polo Shirts (Women & Men's Styles) - Kristen G Kaiser
In Apparel & Promotional Products/ Graphic Design

RVU Polo Shirts (Women & Men’s Styles)

At RVU all students, faculty and staff are required to wear business dress, after talking with many students and employees they wanted some polo shirts which they were able to wear. I created a customized RVU polo shirt which they would be able to wear these during the week at work or in school and be following the dress code, as well as showing their school pride. Students and employees were able to customize their color and sizes.




This was advertised around both campuses through digital screens, social media and through an email marketing campaign to all our students, faculty and staff. RVU sold over 900 polo shirts during the campaign and resulted in a profit for our Alumni Association.

RVU Polo Shirt Slide